There have been many times, while driving my car down a particular road I've thought, and even said out loud, "This would be an awesome road to take on the motorcycle."
That thought was in my mind twenty years ago when, while on a family vacation, I drove through Yellowstone National Park. And I didn't even own a bike at the time! Today, I had that dream fulfilled.
I was up early today and began by washing the dirt from yesterday's storm off the bike. I had also tried to repair a detached speedometer cable, but that had to wait until tonight. We left Cody Wyoming with blue skies and big smiles.
At the suggestion of fellow motorcyclists whom we met at breakfast we changed our plan and headed to Chief Joseph park with its scenic highway. And the ride was amazing!

The consensus was that it was one of the best rides we have ever been on. There is almost no traffic and the roads themselves are in almost pristine condition.
Completing that we headed into Yellowstone Park. Apart from the intermittent road construction
the travelling was fabulous. We saw a tremendous diversity of wildlife -- moose, bears, deer, antelope, eagles as well as the ever-changing landscape of this vast century-old park. I saw herds of bison, as well as herds of tourists gathered to take their picture. It was a busy place, but to be able to traverse the highways of Yellowstone was actually a dream come true.
But here's the funny thing -- I didn't realize this was something I had thought about doing before until I was doing it. My mind flashed back to my previous visit 20 years earlier, and it clicked. Have you ever had that experience? You've thought about doing something and then forgot about it? It's not
deja' vu because I hadn't done it before. Nor did I see myself riding these roads. It was simply a desire, an aspiration.
Someone once said, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." Granted that is intended in a negative context. But maybe there's something good at work here too. Dreams don't cost anything. So why not dream big.

You never know -- it just might happen.
Oh yea, I got the pictures into yesterday's blog. Check 'em out.