Thursday, June 24, 2010

T'was the Night before...

I leave tomorrow on a much-anticipated motorcycle trip.

This isn't the first time I have strapped on the leathers and succumbed to the beckoning open road. The first major trip was in 07 and branded The Musty Steers tour. We, of course, were the Musty Steers. The name Wild Hogs was already taken. It was a great adventure. Perhaps I'll write about it another time.

The second trip was in 08. We became The Knights of the Open Road... (don't laugh). We traversed BC, Montana, Idaho, and Washington -- about 5000 km in a week --returning safe and talking about a future ride.

So here we are. Just about ready to go. Final packing is underway as I try to allay that niggling sense that I will forget something.

Bike is ready, including the Canadian flag on the aerial -- we'll be in the Excited States of America on July 1 so I gotta show some Canuck pride.

Back to the packing. More tomorrow...


  1. I hope you have a great trip! I can't wait to read about it!! Congrats on doing a blog. I wish you much success at it!! May you and your fellow riders travel safely. And may your wife have lots of chocolate to last til you get home.

  2. Enjoy your trip...I hope you have much fun...and try to be careful...don't want you hurting yourself again... ;)

    Will be keeping an eye on your blog...good-luck!

