We all know we live in a day when the pace of life seems to be going at breakneck speed. Working with communication in various forms I deal with this every day. Communication must be succinct, not texty or appear wordy lest that scare away the reader or listener who is increasingly looking to have her attention drawn in by a picture or pronounced font usage. People don't read, they survey, and if their eye is grabbed, well, then they might read a few lines -- but nothing more, because they get bored easily and have small attention spans.
I'm generalizing, but it is symptomatic of a larger malaise plaguing us today. I'm talking about the pursuit of meaning and fulfillment through the pursuit of money, things, and activities of whatever kind. The virtue of contentment is almost unheard of. We are constantly being fed the message of "get more", "this one's better", and "you need newer" in order to be fulfilled. And so we chase after all these things.
The paradox is this: we are so busy seeking life in these things yet they are the very things that strangle the life out of us. Is it just me or am I onto something here?